*Legal mumbo-jumbo: This story is not licensed or endorsed by Bright, Kauffman and Crane Productions and/or Warner Brothers.
All characters and Central Perk are registered trademarks of Warner Brothers, all rights reserved.
TOW Ross'
[Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler is going over a stack of bills and Joey is playing video games]
(waving a piece of paper in the air): Joe? We need to talk.
Joey (turning off the Playstation): What's up, dude?
We're $100 short for rent, this month. We need to really start cutting back on a few luxuries
Joey: Such as?
For starters, if you quit buying so much beer, we'd save $50 a month
Joey: But....but.....but
Chandler: And
look at this Cable bill! Look at all the porn you ordered on pay-per-view
** Joey takes the bill from Chandler and
glances over it**
Joey: It doesn't look so bad.
Chandler: That's just page 1 of 5, Joe.
** Joey's eyes
get wide **
Chandler: So we really need to start cutting back.
Joey: But "Baywatch Babes Gone Wild" comes on
Chandler: So, we'll start cutting back tomorrow.
** Joey starts to leave **
Chandler: Where ya
Joey: Beer run. If we're going to start cutting back tomorrow, I'm gonna stock up today
Chandler: Good
-- Opening Credits --
[Central Perk. Monica is on the couch and Rachel is at the counter, getting coffee]
(to Gunther): Can I get a cappuccino?
Gunther: Sure.
Rachel: Well in a few weeks, you won't see Ross around
Gunther (trying to contain his excitement): Really?
Rachel: Yeah. He's going to England
(trying to sound sincere): That's too bad.
Rachel: Yeah. It's gonna be really hard being so far apart, but it's really
good for his career.
** Gunther gives her a cup of cappuccino **
Gunther: Well if you ever need somebody
to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, I'm always available.
Rachel: You're so sweet
Gunther (blushing): Oh, stop
One day, you'll make some guy very happy.
[ Rachel goes to the couch and drinks her cappuccino. Ross enters a few seconds
later, followed by Joey]..
Ross (to Joey): You could not be more wrong
Joey: I'm serious!
Ross: So you
actually think Dino could kick Barney's ass?
Joey: In a heart-beat!
Monica: I don't even want to know
(to Ross): I hear you're leaving?
Ross: Yeah in a few weeks. I'm off to Cambridge University
Gunther: Need any
help packing?
Ross: I'm good, but thanks
Monica: I still can't believe you're actually moving half-way across
the world.
Joey: WHY, GOD, WHY!!!
Ross: Come on, you guys! Do you think this is easy for me? This is the most
gut-wrenching decision I've ever had to make. Every time I think of what I'm leaving behind, it makes me sick.
** Ross
pauses to take a swig of Pepto Bismo **
Rachel: We're sorry, Ross. But you have to admit that you caught us off guard.
And to leave in only a few weeks?
Ross: I know and I'm sorry but I just found out, myself. It's not like I've known
and waited until the last minute to spring this on you.
Rachel (excited): Hey, I've got a great idea
Ross: What?
What if I come with you?
Ross and Gunther (together): WHAT?
Rachel: I can come with you. There's a lot I can
learn about fashion in London
Ross: I love you, Rach but I can't ask you to do that.
Rachel: You're not asking
me. I'm asking you to let me come.
Ross: Rach, you belong here. You're whole life is here. Besides, somebody needs
to keep an eye on Joey
Joey (insulted): Hey!
** Everybody looks at Joey **
Joey: Yeah, OK.
It's hard enough watching my brother go away. I don't want to watch you leave, too.
** Rachel and Monica cry and hug
** Joey pretends to cry **
Joey: Hey! I'm broken up, too! Where's my hug?
** Rachel and Monica hug
Joey **
Joey: Niiiiice.
Ross: Well I'm going to get some coffee and then check to see if my passport came
Joey has that "evil look" as he leaves the coffee house **
Monica: You can't leave!
Rachel (sadly): I know.
I just miss him so much already. If it's this hard now, how much harder will it be when I have to watch him get on that plane?
Mailbox. Joey is going thru the mail]
Joey (thinking to himself): Bill...... bill...... bill .... Dino Monthly, what
a geek..... bill.....bill.....Ah-Ha! Passport!
** Joey makes sure nobody is watching and puts tucks the passport in
his pocket and walks away **
-- Commercial --
[Ross's Mailbox. Ross is checking his mail]
Ross (thinking
to himself): Where the hell is the passport.....COOL my Dino Monthly magazine.
[ Ross and Rachel's apartment]
Hey, Rach did my passport happen to come in?
Rachel: I haven't seen it
** There's a knock on the door. Ross
answers it to find Joey **
Joey: Hey man, do you want to catch a Knicks game tonight?
Ross: Sorry, Joe I'm kinda
busy trying to figure out what happened to my passport.
Ross: What's wrong, Joe?
Do you know anything about my passport?
Joey: Uh.......
Rachel: Joey?
** Joey looks guilty **
Joey, if you have it, give it to him
Joey: I don't wanna!
Rachel (sternly): JOEY!
Joey: I don't want
my best friend to leave!
Ross (tearing up): I gotta go and run an errand
** Ross leaves **
Rachel (softly):
He has to leave, Joey.
Joey: Why, dammit?
Rachel: This is the biggest thing to happen to him. It's like you
going to Hollywood with a big-name studio. This is Ross' Hollywood studio.
Joey (whining): Fine!
** Joey takes
the passport and throws it on the table **
Rachel: It's gonna be OK, Joe. I promise
Joey: No it's not.
(crying): You're right. It's not
** Joey and Rachel hug **
-- Ending Credits --
[Camera shows Ross and
Rachel's room. The camera zooms in on a suitcase by the door].