[Scene: Central Perk. Rachel and Phoebe are at the couch, drinking coffee. Monica is on a different chair, reading
a magazine and Ross is reading a newspaper. We can see it snowing through the windows and they're all looking.]
Rachel: Wow. Is there anything else in the world more beautiful than the sight of this?
Ross: Uhh-yeah. 'Cause, you see, when it's raining for the first time, it might look better than when it's snowing
for the first time.
(Rachel looks up at him)
Rachel: Just nod along.
(Chandler and Joey enter, both freezing and their jackets are all snowy and stuff. Joey is shaky.)
Joey: Aaaarrrggghhh!
Rachel, Phoebe, Monica and Ross: Hey!
Chandler: It is freezing out there. (takes off his jacket)
Joey: Yeah, and you may not notice it from here, but it's also snowing!
Rachel: Yeah, we know. We've been staring at the window for a long time that those couple (a couple are sitting
beside the window of Central Perk) think we're in love with 'em.
Phoebe: Wow. Snow really is amazing. You know, I've always loved to look at snow. My wish finally came true.
Chandler: What?
Monica: Phoebe, you've never seen it snowing before?
Phoebe: Oh, no! Yes, I've seen it snowing before. Lots of times. Just never in reality. (They all look at her) Yeah,
you see, there was this time I saw it snowing, it was on TV. And once it was on the radio. (Pause) There was also this once
where it was in my dream. (Pause) Ugh, I loved it!
Ross: Phoebe, you've been living in New York for a couple of years and this is your first time seeing snow?
Phoebe: Well, I'm sorry, Ross, but it's not my fault Santa never grant me my only wish!
(A woman enters the coffeehouse, cold and takes off her jacket. Chandler looks impressed and seems to like her)
Chandler: (Smiling) Wow, looks like he grant me my wish!
Opening Credits
[Scene: Central Perk. Continued from before. Joey sits down next to Phoebe and Rachel and Chandler is still standing.]
Joey: (to Chandler) Do it!
Ross: Yeah, do it, man!
Monica: Come on, like, what's the worse that can happen?
Chandler: Uhh...she slapping me on the face, dithcing me or...well, just wait and see.
Rachel: Come on, Chandler, ask her out on a date.
Phoebe: Or, you know, you could just ask for her phone number then use her as a refrenece for other jobs.
Ross: Yeah, or that.
Chandler: All right. All right. I'm gonna do it. How do I look, how do I look?
Joey: Let me see, let me see. (Looks at him) Stupid, just go!
Chandler: All right. But do not say my name when I'm talking to the pretty girl. (Walks away to talk to the
Monica: (loudly) Oh, hey, Chandler! (Chandler groans at her)
[Cut to Chandler and the woman]
Chandler: Hi, my name is Chandler.
Woman: Hi.
Chandler: So, it's cold out there, huh?
Woman: Yeah, I heard the blizzard shut off the electricity over Boston and Philadelphia.
Chandler: You're kidding! (She looks at him.) Oh, I'm sorry. That's just what I do. (Pause) So, pretty woman, you
didn't tell me your name?
Woman: I know. I'm keeping it a secret. I want Santa to tell you.
Rachel: (loud, from the couch with the others) Hey, Chandler, is that your boyfriend?! (She is holding a picture
of a guy)
(They all laugh)
Chandler: Excuse me. (Goes over to the couch) You're all dead.
Ross: (loud) Dead?! What do you mean "dead"? Are you joking, or you really a midnight killer?
(They all laugh again, and Chandler starts waving with his hands. He, then, walks back to the woman)
Chandler: Those are my friends. They were leaving, so...
All: (Head to the woman) Hi there!
Monica: Hi, I'm Monica, I'm Chandler's friend. I'm the person who he goes to when he's unemployed. Well, what do
you know? He comes over every day.
Woman: Pleased to meet you.
Rachel: I'm Rachel. Used to be his girlfriend. Left me for Joey. (Points at Joey)
Joey: (pause) Hi!
Phoebe: And I'm Phoebe, his sister. We make out.
Woman: Wow.
Ross: And I'm Ross. I'm a paleontologist. (They all stare at him.) Yeah, Chandler and I live together. In a van.
Chandler: Yeah, it was nice to meet you all. Really a pleasure. Buh-bye! (Pushes them all back to the couch) I'm
very sorry, but all what they said. They're not true.
Woman: (giggles) I understand. My friends always embarrass me too when I'm talking to a guy.
Chandler: Oh, hey, we have something in common! (Laughs endlessly, then stops in shock.) It was supposed to be funny.
(Pause) So, may I have your name now?
Woman: (Gives him her card) This is my card. Call me. Oh, and I think Santa Claus got us to meet. (Leaves)
Chandler: All right, from now on, I believe in Santa!! (Pause) (Reads the card) Oh, my god! That was-that was Linda.
Linda Haynes.
Joey: (gasps) The model?
Chandler: (excited) YEAH!!
Joey: Oh, my god!!!
(Chandler and Joey start to jump up and down continuously)
Phoebe: Oh, my grandmother knew her. Yeah, my grandmother said that her father killed himself and her mother, like,
ditched her so she had to live alone apart from her mean wicked twin sister. (They all stare at her) Oh, no wait, that was
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica, Rachel and Phoebe are watching TV. Ross is having breakfast in the kitchen
and Joey just came out of the bathroom.]
Joey: Hey. Do you girls know that your bathroom isn't working?
Monica: Well, then, how'd you just use it?
Joey: Left it all there. (Monica turn around in disgust.) So, Ross, how come you're still here? It's almost 8 in
the morning. Don't you have some dinosaur-work to do?
Ross: We're on vacation. 'Cause our boss, Mr. Netherland, (Pause) he can't get out of his house. (Burps out laughing)
The snow covered his whole house! (Laughs) (Pause) I feel sorry for him, really.
Rachel: That is so unfair! You guys are on vacation on the holidays, and I am not?
Phoebe: Well, you can just go over and dump your boss's house in snow. (Pause) Easy, I did it and it worked.
Monica: Rach, why don't you just ask for a vacation?
Rachel: Yeah, I can do that. (pause) Wow, two whole weeks without looking at any clothes, gotta tell ya, it's gonna
be weird.
Ross: Oh, yeah, same here. Two weeks without looking at fo...(pause) Yeah, same here.
Joey: Well, you know, since I'm currently unemployed, it can be called a vacation, right? (Pause) Hey, Mon, what
about you? Getting a week off the restaurant?
Monica: A week and a half. The blizzard is all over the streets of Allesandro's. It's gonna be closed for the next
few days. But I'm actually releaved, you know? 'Cause I want a break off of work. I like to just sit down here, covered with
a blanket, besides the window and look out at the beautiful white snow falling on the streets. (Pause) With my five annoying
friends breaking the toilet and watching my TV.
(Chandler enters)
Chandler: Hey, kids.
All: Hey!
Rachel: Hey, uhm, Chandler? Are you getting a vacation off work because of the blizzard?
Chandler: Yeah, sure. My boss said, "Leave, children. Leave for a week or two! Who cares for how much, but just
Rachel: I can't believe it! I'm the only one who has to ask to get a vacation off of work? Oh, my god!
Phoebe: Hey, do you think all of your other people at work are getting a vacation, except you?
Rachel: Well, now I do! (Groans) I'm gonna call Joan to check. (Goes into her bedroom.)
Ross: So, Chandler, how was your date with the model?
Chandler: Uhh...I wouldn't really call it a date, since we just had coffee. At Central Perk.
Monica: What happened?
Chandler: I don't know! I called her, I tried to be normal, but I don't know why but these meaningless jokes just
seemed to come out of my moth!
Ross: You were just beeing yourself.
Joey: Did she tell you to call her again?
Chandler: No, although she did say, "see ya later". But it was more like a, you know, "see ya later!" You
know what I mean?
Phoebe: Yeah, I'm starting to lose interest in this conversation. (Walks away to the kitchen)
Chandler: Is it me? Is there something really that repelling about me? Am I really that unlikeable?
Rachel: (entering, from her bedroom) Yeah. (Holds the phone) Okay, let's see. (Dialls a number) Hello? (Listens.)
Uhh--Joan? (Listens.) Yeah, hi, this is Rachel. (Listens.) Rachel Greene? (Listens.) From Bloomingdales? (Listens.) I work
with you! (Listens.) I dropped a cup of coffee on you yesterday. (Listens.) Yeah, uhm, listen. I was just wondering, are you,
like, on vacation since there's a blizzard around the city? (Listens.) Oh, you are? (Laughs) Oh, that's great! (Mouths "BITCH"
to the gang) Uhmm...I was just wondering why I don't get a vacation. Do you have any idea...(Listens.) Uh-huh. (Listens.)
Uh-huh. (Listens.) Oh, okay, thank you very much. (Hangs up) Yeah, she said my boss hates me!
Phoebe: Aww! Now why do you think she would say that?
(Rachel groans)
Monica: Rach, listen, Joan is not your boss. If she says your boss hates you, doesn't mean that your boss hates
you. All right? I mean, it's not like this Joan of yours is a much important person than you are or something.
Rachel:She is; she's the deputy head of the luxury dressing department.
Monica: O...kay. (Pause) Look, Rach, why don't you call your boss and act nicely then ask for a few days off?
Rachel: Fine, all right.
Monica: (while pointing) But be nice!
Phoebe: (while pointing) Why, should, she?
Rachel: (dialls a number, mad) Yeah, give me Mr. Burts! (Goes into her bedroom)
Ross: (to Chandler) So, Chandler, you serious? No luck with the model?
Chandler: Dead serious. She was frowning the whole time, not a smile here or there, and she stayed over for fifteen
Joey: Get real!
Phoebe: All right, all right, do you think--like--like she was interested in you from the first place, but then
saw who you actually are, and then just-she was, like, disgusted and, like, hated you?
(Chandler is shocked, while Monica, Joey and Ross give Phoebe the look as they are opening their hands widely)
Chandler: Thanks, Pheebs! (Pause) No, seriously, you know, it's kinda starting to freak me out. I mean, before,
I had an excuse for being rejected and unliked by women.
Ross: Which was?
Chandler: You remember that thing in the nippular area?
Ross: (thinks) Yeah.
Chandler: Yeah, that!
Monica: Chandler, it's not like there's something unlikeable about you, it's just sometimes really rare to like
someone and have them like you in return.
Phoebe: Yeah, that (points at Monica) Or...or, you know, (pause) you're just unlikeable.
Monica: Okay, Phoebe, you have got to stop doing that!
Joey: Look, man, I know this girl. Her name is Angela. Why not go out with her?
Chandler: No, no, and (points) no! Okay? The last time you set me up with someone, it was a bald woman with a wooden
Ross: (to Joey) Really?
Joey: (Smiles) Yeah.
Monica: Maybe it's not about you. Maybe it's about them. (Long pause. They all try to think about who "them" are)
The girls!
All: Ohh!
Chandler: What's wrong with the girls I date?
Monica: Maybe you're picking the wrong ones.
Chandler: Did you not hear what that woman was? A model!
Phoebe: So?! Not all models have to be so pretty! (Turns to Monica for support but Monica gives her the 'actually...')
Well, sure, all models have to be pretty! (Pause) But why don't you try to go out with a regular person? You know, one who
isn't a model, has a scary laugh, or can't move her neck.
Chandler: (sniffs) I don't know...
(Rachel slowly comes out of her bedroom, hangs up the phone, sadly)
Joey: What's wrong?
Ross: What's going on?
Rachel: I--I (sighs) I just got fired.
Monica: Oh, my god!! Sweetie!
Phoebe: Rach!
(The girls hug)
(The electricity suddenly goes off)
Rachel: Oh, I hope those sons of bitches get poor and live on a candlelight!
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Ross, Joey and Chandler are standing in the kitchen; Phoebe, Rachel and Monica are
about to sit down in the living room. There are candles almost everywhere.]
Monica: (to Rachel) So, what happened?
Rachel: Okay, so I asked to talk to my boss. I started off by saying how incredibely lucky I am to work for 'em,
and before I could say that I want a vacation, he said, "Rachel, I think you need a looooong vacation."
Phoebe: Oh, great!!
Rachel: No, not great. 'Cause then I was, like, "Oh, thank you! Thank you, Mr. Burts! I've been dying for a vacation."
You know what he said? "Come pick up your stuff tomorrow."
Ross: What?!
Joey: That's not how it was supposed to go, was it?!
Rachel: (stares at Joey) NO!! No, okay? I thought he meant a vacation from this blizzard and the...well, now blackout.
Monica: Well, aren't you gonna ask them to rehire you? I mean, this was an honest mistake.
Chandler: Hey, do you ever wonder why snow is white? (They stare at him) I'm just trying to break the tention by
mooning you guys.
Rachel: I can't--I can't ask to go back! Because now my boss wouldn't even talk to me!
Phoebe: (groans) Ugh, you know, he is so mean! God, I mean, all meat-eaters are just plain mean!
(The electricity comes back)
Monica: Ohh! Oh, hey, well, look at that! I just spent every single candle I have to use them for fifteen and a
half minutes!
Phoebe: (walks over to the big window and is amazed) Wow, you guys, come. Come look at this. It's like mother nature
is the most wondrous thing ever.
(They all jump over to the window)
Rachel: Wow! Would you just look at that? The streets are all covered with snow.
Phoebe: Yeah. You know, when I was a little kid, you know what I always thought? I always thought that snow would
come from a number of planes in the sky dropping white bags of peanuts. (Pause) I don't, anymore.
Ross: Wow, this is really great.
Monica: Yeah.
(Long Pause. The snow stops)
All: Ohh! Oh, great! Great, now we have to go to work again tomorrow! Damn!
Rachel: Oh, yeah! You all have to go again to work tomorrow! (Laughs, they look at her, then she breaks up and cries)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment; time lapse. Monica just woke up.]
Monica: Oh, wow. To wake up to a beautiful cold quiet morning is just wonderful. (Ross, Chandler, and Joey enter)
And get interrupted by three annoying friends is just deadly.
Ross: (Pointing towards the window) Oh, hey, hey, hey! Look at that--would you look at that? It's snowing! It's
snowing agian!
Joey: Yes, yes, yes!! No work! (Pause) The usual, for me.
Monica: Aw, man. It's snowing again? I really wanted to go to work today. I was going to put a pastrami on the specials.
Joey: Oh, well, you can still do that in here if you want. I can be the customer.
Phoebe: (enters, from the bathroom) Hey. That's weird, two minutes ago, the living room was empty.
(Rachel enters from her bedroom.)
Rachel: Hey!
Phoebe: And now it's full. (Pause) Hey, look at that. It's snowing!
Ross: Yeah, my mom said that it's another blizzard and it's gonna be the same way for the next week.
Monica: Ohh, a whole week seeing you guys in our apartment? Bummer.
Ross: Yeah, last night, I accidentally made it to my apartment. It started snowing again when I left. So tonight
I can't go to my apartment at all.
Rachel: Huh, so technically, you're locked out. You have nowhere to go to! (Burps out laughing)
Ross: You're unemployed. (Laughs)
(Rachel gives Ross the sign where she is giving the finger without actually giving the finger.)
[Time Lapse. The gang are playing Pictionary on a white board. Monica is drawing what looks like a tree]
Chandler: Uhhh...a house!
Joey: JFK airport!
Ross: A flower, a flower!
Rachel: A, uh, a...umm..uhm, a volcano?
Monica: NO!! Oh, come on, people!
Phoebe: Ohhh-oooh! Okay, okay, is it, uhm, is it that thing that you see on TV that you usually think that it's,
like, useful and, like, you can't live without it until you buy it and it turns out, like, a piece of paper? (gasps) Is it
a piece of paper?!
Monica: No, a tree!
Ross: That's a tree?
Rachel: Yeah, I mean, even Phoebe got a little close! (Phoebe smiles and nods)
Monica: Well, at least the drawing isn't as blurry as Mr. Scientist guy over here (Ross).
Ross: Hey, that looked exactly like a fossil, okay?!
Rachel: (Gets up) All right, you know what? I can't play anymore. I'm getting a little bored.
Monica: Huh. Suddenly my games are boring. (Pause) Well, at least it's better than who thought we should go see
a movie!
Rachel: Hey, I came up with that idea before the blizzard!
Chandler: I still can't believe why Linda Haynes wouldn't go out with me.
Phoebe: Don't you just get it? You are so bad at dates!
Joey: Oh, come on, man. You know it's not that. Linda Haynes would go out with you. But she just didn't because...well,
I don't know, what if she's going through something difficult through her life right now?
Chandler: Like what? What could Linda Haynes possibly go through a difficulty in her life?
[Cut to later. Chandler enters, and the gang are sitting on the couch, cold]
Chandler: She just got divorced.
Ross: What?
Chandler: I just got off the phone with her; she said that she is so sorry that she acted so mean and hard to talk
to at our date, but that's just because she's going through a divorce.
Joey: I never knew Linda Haynes was married.
Monica: Yeah, me either.
Rachel: Yeah, I thought she was dating someone, but I never knew she was married.
Chandler: They got married and divorced on the same day!
Ross: Wow, that's so pathetic.
Rachel: Yeah, like someone who got a divorce with a lesbian after six years of marriage, this is pathetic.
Ross: (stares at Rachel) Yeah, you're right. Or, you know, like someone who leaves a guy at the altar two minutes
before getting married, for having feelings for a boat, sure, you are right, Rachel.
Phoebe: (to Chandler) So what? Are you gonna go out with her again?
Chandler: Yep. Got a date tomorrow night. Francisco's.
Monica: Are you kidding? The food over there is worthless and not good at all!
Chandler: I'll pass out that information for her.
Joey: I'm really glad you guys are going out, man.
Phoebe: Really? Why?
Joey: (to Chandler) You're gonna introduce me to her hot model friends, right?
Chandler: (nodding) YEAH...yeah.
Ross: (coughs) And what about me? (Rachel looks up.)
Chandler: What, what about you?
Ross: (coughs) Aren't you gonna, like, introduce me to her friends too? (coughs) Since, you know, I'm currently
not involved in a relationship.
Chandler: Oh, uhm...uh, sure! Sure thing, man.
(Pause of silence)
Monica: So I heard the blizzard's gonna be a for a while there, huh?
[Time Lapse--Monica and Rachel's--Monica and Rachel are at the window watching the snow, the guys are in the kitchen, and
Phoebe is watching TV.]
Phoebe: Look, you guys, it's beavis and butthead! (Smiles)
Joey: (to Ross, in the kitchen) So, dude, what was that all about? You know, from before? Asking Chandler to introduce
you to some girls?
Ross: Oh, yeah, that, umm, I just thought that since I'm not dating, I should go out with someone.
Chandler: Well, what about Rachel?
Ross: What about her? I mean, if she wants us to move on, then fine. Will do.
Chandler: Yeah, but what you did was kinda rude and maybe she felt heartbroken. I mean, you know how annoying women
can be.
Ross: I'm sure she's not upset. I mean, hey, it's not like I'd be upset if she went out with a guy.
(Knock on door.)
Rachel: (opens the door) Hello.
Guy: Hi, uhm, I'm truly sorry. But, uh, I'm in apartment 22 and I, uh, I just came home from work to realize that
I'm locked out of my apartment. Can I use your phone to call somebody?
Rachel: Oh, uhm, sure! Go ahead!
Guy: Thanks! (to the gang) Hi!
Ross: Yeahhh.
(The guy goes over to the phone and speaks privately while Rachel smiles and giggles to Monica and Phoebe, pointing how
cute the guy is.)
Ross: (to Chandler and Joey) What kind of an idiot would lock himself out?!
Chandler: I hear jealousy bells.
Ross: Oh, please! Me, jealous of that guy?! (Sniffs)
Guy: (hangs up) Thanks, you guys, for letting me use the phone.
Monica: Oh, sure. So it worked out for ya?
Guy: Yeah, my roommate's coming over. He has the key. Thanks, again.
Rachel: Oh, sure. Let me take you outside. (Rachel and the guy leave. A few moments later, Rachel returns and closes
the door) I got a date!
The Girls: Aaaahhh!
Phoebe: Oh, my god, he is so cute!
Rachel: I know.
(Joey and Chandler look at Ross)
Ross: What, I'm not jealous. You know--she can just, she can just make so much better than that guy! You know what
I mean? I mean, she doesn't even know him yet!
Joey: You don't even know who Linda Haynes is!
[Time Lapse. Monica and Rachel's apartment. Ross is napping on the couch; Rachel enters]
Ross: Hey.
Rachel: Hey.
Ross: How was your date?
Rachel: It was fine.
Ross: Oh, yeah, where'd you go?
Rachel: Oh, y'know, just some fancy restaurant. And the snow sure made it more amusing. (pause) You spent the night
Ross: Yeah, everytime I say I wanna go back to my apartment, the blizzard gets even worse and worse. So right now
I'm kinda locked out.
Rachel: Ohh. Where's everybody?
Ross: Oh, they're all out at their places. Monica's sleeping.
Rachel: Okay. Well, good night!
Ross: Nighty-night!
(Rachel goes into her apartment)
Ross: She's gone. You can come out now.
(Monica, Phoebe, Joey and Chandler come out of the bathroom)
Ross: You had to listen to that conversation?
Chandler: Yeah, thought it was gonna be one of "those" fights, y'know what I mean? Like the whole, "we were on a
break, no we weren't!"
Ross: Oh, no, yeah, that's for tomorrow.
All: Ohh!
Closing Credits
[Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe is singing a song that is similar to New York City has no power...and the milk is getting
sour... and everyone is sitting on the couch, listening]
New York City has a blizzard
And I think I want to use my wizard
But then I say, Have Mercy
And maybe have
a piece of a Hershey!
(Everyone applauds)
Phoebe: (on the microphone) Thanks! Ohh--and just a note. Uhm, for upcoming events, visit my new website: www.phalangebuffay.com
(Smiles) I'm pretty.