Ross: Hey.
Rachel: Hey!
Ross: What's the matter?
Rachel: Nothing.
Ross: Come on, you missed the Odd Parents, you're standing outside in the middle of a cold night
on a balcony with your pyjamas on...something's going on.
Rachel: Ohhh. (Chuckles) I didn't even know I'm with my pyjamas on. Aaww. (Pause) Well, uh, technically,
I had a horrible date.
Ross: Hey, at least it was better than mine. I spent the night looking for my date.
Rachel: I'm not too much with the having-feelings-for-someone kinda thing. I mean, when I just
meet someone and fall in love, I just usually tell him! You know what I mean? I don't really like that "waiting-for-the-right-time"
excuse kind of thing, you know? If you have feelings for someone, just tell them!
Ross: I love you.
(Long Silence)
Rachel: What?
--Opening Credits--
[Scene: Central Perk. Joey and Chandler are drinking coffee as Ross enteres, filled with life.]
Chandler: Hey! Look who it is!
Joey: How was your date last night?
Ross: Oh, I have some great news! (Sits down)
Gunther: Ross, coffee?
Ross: Yeah, a chamomile tea.
Gunther: Great, 'cause there's a new coffeehouse right across the streets if you really want
coffee. (Walks away)
Chandler: Okay, so Ross? Your news?
Ross: Yeah, right...Uhm, well, first of all, my date last night was horrible!
Joey: Yeah, I see where this "great" news thing is going.
Ross: No, no. That's not the good part. Well, I mean, for a start, my date didn't show up.
Joey: Lovely!
Ross: Rachel and I kissed.
Chandler: What? Oh, my god! That's great!
Girl: (recognizing Joey) Joey?
Joey: Melissa? (The girl shakes her head) Jennifer? No? Lauren?
Girl: It's Judy! (Pause) And you had sex with another woman! (Hits him on the head and leaves)
Joey: Yeah, that's great. He (points at Ross) has sex and I get hit on the head!
Ross: I didn't have sex with her! It was just a one-time kiss. Plus, I also told her I love
Chandler: Oh, my god. And you're here talking to us?!
Joey: Yeah, what is up with that?!
Ross: I just thought you guys would be interested.
Joey: Ross, the only way we would be interested is if your "great" news had something to
do with us!
Ross: You're right. I should go talk to her! I'm gonna go do it!
Chandler: Go do it!
Joey: Yeah!
Ross: Yeah! (Grabs his coat and begins to leave)
Joey: Hey, wait, Ross!!
Ross: What?!
Joey: By the way, how was your date last night with that girl?
(Ross sniffs and groans while Chandler motions to him to leave, looking at Joey with stupidity)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Phoebe are eating breakfast at the kitchen table as Rachel
walks in.]
Monica: Hey!
Phoebe: Where were you? Monica and I looked for you everywhere!
Monica: We did?
Phoebe: Monica and I called someone to look for you everywhere!
Rachel: Ross and I kissed last night.
Monica: Oh, my god. My brother, Ross?
Phoebe: Yes, of course, Monica. How many Rosses do you think there is?!
Rachel: He also told me that he loves me.
Phoebe: Who did?
Rachel: Ross!
Phoebe: Wait, wait. Monica's brother, Ross?
Monica: So? What are you gonna do? Are you guys gonna...start dating or...?
Phoebe: I still can't believe Monica's brother Ross kissed you, Rachel! (They both stare
at her) Just provin' that I remember your names. (Smiles)
(Phone rings)
Monica: (answers) Yeah, hello? Hi! Yeah. She's right here. Hold on a second. (handing the
phone to Rachel)
Rachel: Well? Who is it?
Monica: Your father.
Rachel: (sighing) Oh, god. (speaks on the phone) Hello, daddy? (pause) Oh, hi, Ross! (Chuckles
and glares at Monica wildly)
Monica: (mouthing) I swear, I didn't know!
Rachel: I--I'm fine. I'm good. Feeling good. Oh, I'm goooooooood.
Phoebe: I bet you are!
Rachel: Tonight? Uhhh....okay! Sure! (Monica gives Rachel the thums up) All right. I'll see
you then. Bye-bye. (hangs up)
Monica: Yess!!
Phoebe: I can't believe you're about to go out with Monica's brother, Ross!
Rachel: (chuckling, nervously) Yeeeaaah, me either. (Sits down)
Monica: What's going on? Aren't you excited?
(Silence. Rachel sighs)
Rachel: He said he wanted to talk to me tonight to make it clear that that kiss meant absolutely
(Monica and Phoebe are shocked.)
(Rachel sighs again)
Phoebe: Monica's brother, Ross, said that to you?!
To Be Continued...
(next episode coming soon!)
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